Thursday, May 29, 2014

Use Neem Honey more for healthsake!!!!

The goodness of Neem Honey and surprised to know that it is one of the finest Honey type for everybody.It is obtained from the Neem tree. So Neem Honey is natural blend of anti-inflammatory+anti-tussive+antiseptic qualities of Neem plus antiviral and faster curing properties of HOney as listed below.

1. It is good for improving eye sight.
2. Harmless for diabetic patients.
3. Good Blood Purifier.
4. Improves complexion of body.
5. Natural tonic for kids.

Best Usage: One Teaspoon before bedtime or once a day in the morning before breakfast.
Note : Do not mix with anything HOT as this will destroy the live enzymes in the honey and cause some of the venom to evaporate.

Colds are caused by viruses and honey is a natural antiviral. In a Pennsylvania State College of Medicine study, a spoonful of honey outperformed over-the-counter cold remedies.,Research in 2007 by Shone Blair at Sydney University concluded that honey dressings for superbug wound infections should be used as a 'first choice'.

Honey supports friendly gut bacteria, aiding digestion, and is good for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and thrush. According to previous studies, one should consume 2 TS , 3 times a day for gastric ulcers.

Honey boosts the immune system and has an antibacterial effect internally and externally, helping the body to heal.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Health Benefits of Apricot for Babies

Health Benefits of Apricot for Babies

* Nutrient rich Food
* High Iron Content
* Aids in Digestion
* Eliminates Intestinal Worms
* Relieves from Constipation
* Promotes Brain Development

Health Benefits of Apricot Seed or Kernel

1. Apricot Seed has the highest percentage of B17 in any fruits and consuming this seed will help prevent cancer.

2. This seed also helps to lower high blood pressure.

3. It helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.

4. Helps to maintain the general health and well-being and it also strengthen the ability to resist infections like cold and flu.

Fights cancer naturally with Apricot Seeds!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Health Benefits of Drumstick and it's Leaves

Drumsticks which are widely used in Indian & not sure if westerners are aware of it or not. Every part of the plant can be consumed like the Pods, Leaves and Flower. It is nutritionally good and it contains Carotene, Calcium, Vitamin C and Phosphorus. Most importantly it is excellent for good sex life for men as it can cure sexual disorders and provide more stamina for bette Martial Life. It also serves as an excellent tonic for children when given filtered with milk for healthy bones and purified bloodstream. It can be given as a soup with salt, Pepper and lime juice to cure respiratory problems like Bronchitis, Asthama and Tuberculosis. The flowers and leaves also prevents skin, throat and chest infections as of its antibacterial properties like Pencillin and other antibiotics.
* Drumstick leaf juice with honey and coconut juice is drunk two to three times for Jaundice, Cholera, Diarrhea and Colitis.

* Problems related to Urinary and anus related disorders can also be cured when the leaf juice is given with Carrot or cucumber juice, Non-diabetics rock sugar can be added daily once.

* It also serves as a beauty-aid, Fresh leaf juice with lime juice can treat pimples, blackheads and keep face fresh.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Foods rich in Calcium

                                                             Foods rich in Calcium

The only way to improve the availability of calcium in spinach is to cook it. It should also be served either vinegar or lemon juice on it as the acid will help with the availability as well.

1. Soyabeans: When cooked a cup of soyabeans gives 175mg of calcium to your diet and it can be used in all variety of dishes.

2.Almonds: 23nuts has 80mg. Soak the almonds in the night and then have it in the morning it tastes good and also rich in Calcium too.

3. Oranges: one orange or half-cup of orange juice contains 55mg and you can expect the required amount with these orange.

4. Sesame Seeds: More than 1/2 cup of sesame seeds has 380mg calcium, which can be used while cooking the Fish or Chicken.

5.Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are high in calcium and it can be added to many dishes as well (15Nuts) have upto 100mg it contains proteins and as well calcium.

6. Flax seeds: Flax seeds 2 to 3 tablespoons of flax seeds contain 60mg of Calcium.

7. Papaya: Papaya about 200gms will contain 75mg of calcium.

8. Yogurt or Curd: Low-fat varieties of yogurt contain 425mg of calcium.

9. MilK: One glass of non-fat milk contains 350mg of Calcium.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Juice for Hepatitis C Liver

The Best way to help your liver is juicing fruits and vegetables! A wonderful glass of goodness that is freshly made from your own kitchen.


Apple - 1 medium
Beet Root - 1 Beet
Carrots - 8 medium
Celery - 2 Stalk, Large
Spinach - 4 cup (upto 100gms)


Wash and peel off Apple, Beets and then blend in juicer and stir. Add some Sugar and serve.

Liver Cleanse:

cleansing virtues in beet juice is very healing for liver toxicity or bile ailments, like Jaundice, Hepatitis, Food Poisoning, Diarrhea or vomiting.

For Weight Loss:

To cleanse the liver Beet are useful and the liver helps metabolize fat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Instead of a Cup of Coffee - Try drinking a glass of Tomato Juice

                                                            Benefits of Tomato Juice

1. Super food is Raw tomato juice which is contains all the vitamins and minerals and rich source of Vitamin A, Vitakin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 and along with minerals like magnesium, phosphorous and iron.All these minerals and vitamins are proven to be health benefits.

2. Tomato juice is rich in source of Vitamins A and C, which helps in strengthening the immune system, improving vision and in preventing vision-related diseases and it also helps in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth.

3. It also helps in prevention of high cholesterol and it's rich in fiber which helps in breaking down bad cholesterol in the body. it contains niacin or vitamin B3 that is known for stabilizing cholesterol.

4. Big benefit of tomato juice is that it also helps in aids in weight loss and keeps the body hydrated, while the low sodium and high fiber content in it ensure that the body doesn't feel weak or hungry. It supplies the body the required amount of nutrients and calories, which ensures that the metabolic process in the body remains unaffected.

5. It helps in irregular bowel movement in aged people. Fiber in the tomato juice keeps the liver healthy, aids digestion, prevents constipation and thus, regulates and aids the bowel movement.

6.The vitamins and iron present in tomato juice helps in preserving as well as adding shine to dull, damaged and lifeless hair. This helps in getting rid of itchy scalp as well as dandruff, apply fresh tomato juice to your scalp and hair after you have washed it with shampoo and leave it for 5 mins, it acts like a conditioner on your hair. Rinse with cold water thereafter.

7.Tomato juice also helps for skin it helps in getting rid of tanning, counters discoloration of skin, helps in treating and preventing acne and regulates secretion of sebum in oily skin.

8. It contains full of antioxidants, its application as well as consumption helps to get rid of the free radicals in the body and helps to remain young and energetic.

"Instead of a cup of coffee, try drinking a glass of tomato juice to get that energy kick you crave for"

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Benefits of Watermelon in summer and daily life

One of the best benefits of this juicy fruit is that it is very low in calories. Watermelon is 95 percent water which makes it a perfect fruit for the summer season. Apart from being low in calories, watermelon is rich in water which helps you stay hydrated during thesummer. The best way to do that is to eat watermelon. Rich in nutrients, vitamin and minerals, watermelon is one of the healthiest fruits.
Watermelon has many health benefits it reduces athletes' Muslce pain, controls high blood pressure, fights free radical compounds, maintains the elasticity of the arteries and blood vessels by curbing the interactions of oxidative stress. Watermelon is considered as a natural viagra for men as it is rich source of amino acid citrulline which allows the passage of more blood vessels to the penis. Moreover, watermelon is good for cleansing the kidneys. Rich in potassium, watermelon removes salt deposits and uric acid from the kidneys.

Garlic Oil Health Benefits

Garlic can be consumed raw or added to dishes. However, there is one more thing prepared using garlic which is very healthy and contains numerous benefits. Garlic oil is the extract from the spice which has numerous health benefits.  Preparation of Garlic Oil, by crushing and soaking garlic cloves in vegetable oil. Garlic oil is healthy as it boosts immunity, controls cholesterol levels, prevents heart diseases, to name a few. Garlic oil also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which makes it very good for the body. As it  would be interesting to know that garlic oil has beauty benefits as well. One of the beauty benefits of garlic oil is that it helps in controlling acne. Moreover, massaging your hair with garlic oil is a simple remedy to cure dandruff.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alkaline Foods which are Good for Health

Alakline diet brings a spectacular changes in lives too, it can do wonders and helps maintain good health. As we know that the human body is naturally alkaline and it all depends upon our drinking habits which we take in our daily life and day-to-day stress that creates acidity leading to various complications.

Listed are some popular alkaline foods for your daily diet.

1. Cool Cucumber
2. Spicy Capsicum
3. Bananas which are highly nutrious
                                                        Cool Cucumber
  The cucumber is easily available entire year and which can be affordable, this is free from cholesterol and fats and best available alkaline food. This is very useful in especially summers, if consumed one glass full of juice keeps you energetic throughout the day and helpful for your skin too. Cucumber contains Vitamins A, B, and C and it protects from sun Strokes and also stomach upsets can me cured naturally.

                                                            Spicy Capsicum
This is also a great alkaline food which belongs to Chilli category, which contains vitamins A & C and natural anti-coagulant. It helps to burn calories, increases Metabolism percentage in the body and also a great digestive aid as well.

Spinach contains Nutrients, Vitamins and Calcium which provides important needs of the body to keep it energetic for long times. It contains fiber which helps fight body fat and keeps cholesterol levels in control. This versatile food can be consumed cooked or raw, it tastes good for salads and soups. Try to add this food in daily diet to lead better life.

Banana offer instant energy for young and old alike. This is another type of alkaline food which contains Potassium for cardio patients and It is rich in Minerals, Iron, Vitamin A and Carbohydrates. This is easily
digestible and loaded with nutrients.It also helps in Hangover's banana with milkshake and honey controls
your stomach upsets too.

Grapefruits helps fight Bad Cholestrol and triglycerides, which can lead to complications with the heart. This citrus fruit is great for skin, helathy tone and rich in antioxidants. It also fights against Some allergies and Colds, Flu and etc. This is rich in Vitamin C.