Thursday, May 29, 2014

Use Neem Honey more for healthsake!!!!

The goodness of Neem Honey and surprised to know that it is one of the finest Honey type for everybody.It is obtained from the Neem tree. So Neem Honey is natural blend of anti-inflammatory+anti-tussive+antiseptic qualities of Neem plus antiviral and faster curing properties of HOney as listed below.

1. It is good for improving eye sight.
2. Harmless for diabetic patients.
3. Good Blood Purifier.
4. Improves complexion of body.
5. Natural tonic for kids.

Best Usage: One Teaspoon before bedtime or once a day in the morning before breakfast.
Note : Do not mix with anything HOT as this will destroy the live enzymes in the honey and cause some of the venom to evaporate.

Colds are caused by viruses and honey is a natural antiviral. In a Pennsylvania State College of Medicine study, a spoonful of honey outperformed over-the-counter cold remedies.,Research in 2007 by Shone Blair at Sydney University concluded that honey dressings for superbug wound infections should be used as a 'first choice'.

Honey supports friendly gut bacteria, aiding digestion, and is good for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and thrush. According to previous studies, one should consume 2 TS , 3 times a day for gastric ulcers.

Honey boosts the immune system and has an antibacterial effect internally and externally, helping the body to heal.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Health Benefits of Apricot for Babies

Health Benefits of Apricot for Babies

* Nutrient rich Food
* High Iron Content
* Aids in Digestion
* Eliminates Intestinal Worms
* Relieves from Constipation
* Promotes Brain Development

Health Benefits of Apricot Seed or Kernel

1. Apricot Seed has the highest percentage of B17 in any fruits and consuming this seed will help prevent cancer.

2. This seed also helps to lower high blood pressure.

3. It helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.

4. Helps to maintain the general health and well-being and it also strengthen the ability to resist infections like cold and flu.

Fights cancer naturally with Apricot Seeds!